The Young and Woman Initiative (YAWI) celebrated the International Day of the Girl Child with a conference held at Zonta…

PAD a Girl

SDG16+ launch

We are on a mission
To raise and build the strength and skills in a girl child, youth and women.

YAWI Strategic Partnerships
our aims and objectives are achieved via strategic relationships and partnerships
PAD a Girl Child
helping girl child in observing menstrual hygiene and alleviating the burden of purchase and proper usage
COVID-19 Food Drive
ameliorating the populace during the covid lock down in preaching SDG goal 1&2

Our Reach.
We're making an impact
serving the female gender via trainings and empowerment to ensure effective participation of girl, youth and women in vital processes of governance, policy formulating, implementation and nation building.
Girl child served
Volunteers and partner organizations
Core Programs in 5
From Our Community.
Success Stories

Through that a girl reach out to us and we were able to save her from being a rape victim and she's now a champion that volunteers to preach against abuse.
Awesome Team

Our Blog.
Latest News

Commemorate Menstrual Hygiene day At United Missionary Comprehensive College Molete, Ibadan
The Young and Woman Initiative – Yawiteam concluded the week on commemoration of #MenstrualHygieneDay The discussions helped increase their abilities…

In commemoration of World Menstrual Hygiene Day
In commemoration of World Menstrual Hygiene Day, today 30th of May 2024, The Young and Woman Initiative – Yawiteam held…

#EndPeriodStigma among women and girls at T.L Oyesina Model Senior secondary and Junior Secondary Schools
The session focused on educating the girls on menstrual hygiene practices as well as breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation. During…