Our Programs.

What We Do

We are an NGO on the mission to raise and build the strength and skills in a girl child, youth and women.

Empowering the female gender
and equality advocacy via our programs

International Day of Girl Child

Every girl child deserves to be celebrated, Oct 11 speaks about a girl child. Yearly the Young and Women Initiative engage in various advocacy and campaigns on a girl child.

International women’s day

Together we forge women’s equality, collectively we break the bias of gender stereotypes and discrimination. These were few of hash tags used during IWD celebration. YAWI advocates against gender inequality

International youth day

12th August of every year is to celebrate IYD, to raise awareness on issues around youths globally and celebrate youth achievement.

Christmas in the slum

Every child eagerly wait to celebrate Christmas yearly. YAWI decided to celebrate Santa in Slum yearly, thereby putting smiles on the face of many children who may never have the opportunity of having a good Christmas celebration.

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.

Adebobola Agbeja

YAWI, Founder & Executive Director