About Us.

Who We Are

We are an NGO on the mission to raise and build the strength and skills in a girl child, youth and women.

We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of the girl child

The Young and Women Initiative (YAWI) is a Non-governmental organization that helps in raising and building the strength and skills in a girl child, youth and women. This is born out of passion for this demography which are usually stigmatized or recipients of abuse. The NGO was founded in 2019 and duly registered with CAC in 2022.

Our Mission & Vision.

What makes us different?

Our Vision

To help in raising and building the strength and skills in a Girl child.

Our Mission

When the society invests in girls’ everyone wins

Our Core Values

-> Team work
-> Consistency
-> Accountability/Transparency
-> Integrity

Our Aims and Objectives

  • To serve as training and empowerment for youth, girl and women as leaders and taking responsibility
  • To enhance the promotion of the bond of peace and friendship amidst youth and women around the globe.
  • To ensure effective participation of girl, youth and women in vital processes of governance, policy formulating, implementation and nation building.
  • To study various problems confronting the youth and women across and find means of alleviating same

3 thousand+ girls helped

3+ years of service

30+ communities reached

What We Do

Success Stories

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life today?

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love for the girl child