YAWI Celebrates World Toilet Day, Urges People to Eradicate Open Defication

In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated November 19 as World Toilet Day. It was first established in 2001 by the World Toilet Organization. World Toilet Day celebrates toilets and raises awareness of the 4.2 billion people living without access to safely managed sanitation.

This year, the WTD has the theme: ‘Accelerating Change’, to highlight the journey towards achieving SDG 6- Clean Water and Sanitation.

For World Toilet Day, we encourage you to choose sanitation related actions to speed up progress on this part of SDG 6: Break taboos: Talk about the critical connection between toilets, water and menstruation. Flush safe: Fix leaking water and waste pipes, empty full septic tanks and report dumping of sludge.

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